Nearly five months after Fashion Weekend Skopje, it’s time to take a review of everything that happened during and after the event.

I will not go into wasteful and boring details. I will only emphasize that this was a really well-organized fashion event. Twenty-nine talented and promising names from the European fashion scene were presented, including Lila Style House.

The arrangement and organization in the showroom was extremely welcoming and with a contemporary vision. An excellent place where each of us had the opportunity to meet and communicate with clients also to present our products in the best way.



 Each of the five nights of the event was accompanied by an impressive Runaway show. The sophisticated industry-style decoration has helped, undisturbed by unnecessary translucency, to enjoy the fresh and innovative ideas for fashion design.




The other events prepared entirely for the designers of the brands presented were no less important. All the seminars and workshops in which I had the opportunity to take part definitely made me think mainly about the process of making the garment and her place in the wardrobe of the woman in time.


We talked mainly about sustainable fashion. The theme is more and more inspiring for development in the direction of protecting the environment and at the same time creating a quality and long-term product. This was one of the reasons I was chosen to be part of this event. I produce my models in limited series on a local basis. I use mainly natural materials, trying to reduce their consumption to a minimum, and part of the residues we put in new products. I rely on the clean design and classic lines, timeless and longer in our wardrobe.


After the event I asked myself what else can I do to extend the life of the clothes I create and at the same time rest them accessible to my customers?

Here’s what:

In September, Lila Style House launched its latest recycling campaign. Anyone who bought a garment from the brand will be able to return it and get a voucher with a certain value to buy a model from the brand’s latest collection. The returned clothes will get a new chance for life, like “second life” products.

You’ll learn more about the campaign from my Facebook and Instagram accounts. Until then, visits my virtual store. There are minus prices for my hottest models!


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