
  1. Choosing a product from the site lilastylehouse.com

You can choose products for purchase from the categories: ALL, DRESSES, SHIRTS/BLOUSES, SKIRTS, PANTS, JACKETS in our SHOP.

FILTER gives you the opportunity to limit the number of the shown products when you are choosing a purchase with the criteria COLOUR, SIZE and PRICE.

When clicking on the picture of the product you are interested in, it shows a page with a detailed description for the product.

We recommend you to read carefully the text information and look at the photos we submit for the qualities of product you would like to purchase and its price. In your favor we have also added and a Table with sizes, so you can decide easily which size fits you the most from the chosen product.

  1. Shaping an order

By clicking on the BUY button, you start the shaping of your order, making it necessary to make a selection of the options and the quantity of the selected product in advance.

You can review the contents of your shopping cart in the green box at the top of the page – product types, quantity, price, and total value, as well as RESTORE with quantity adjustment.

It is possible to add new products using the ordering method described above.

  1. Completing an order

When you click the CONTRACT CLOSE button, a page appears where you need to fill in the payment details. It is important that you do not omit the mandatory columns marked with a red asterisk, and provide us with additional information on the order and/or delivery instructions.

You also have the opportunity to see all the details about your order – product types with their respective quantities and prices and their total value.

You need to choose a payment/bank transfer method or cash on delivery, only for the territory of Republic of Bulgaria. You must comply with our instructions on payment details and agree to the Terms of Use. In the absence of a mark to confirm your awareness of the Terms of Use and Shopping Terms of the www.lilastylehouse.com site, it is not possible to complete and accept your order because we have not received your consent to be accepted and agreed with them.

  1. Edit an order

Before you can finally click on the ORDER button, you can go back to any previous step of your choice by the button “Back”, if you want to make any changes to your order.

It is also possible to edit the basket itself by clicking on the icon positioned in the upper right corner of the site page.

  1. Order confirmations
    • To finish, click the ORDER button. When supplying all the necessary information, a page starts loading with your order number and all its details – type and quantity of the ordered products, their unit price, the total value of the order and the chosen method of payment. With this, your ORDER is entered into our system and you should expect to receive our confirmation of your order and the processing and execution times.

For ORDERS whose delivery address is outside the European Union, you will receive by e-mail prior information about the price and delivery time and the total value of the ORDER. Only after your written confirmation of acceptance of the delivery conditions and the subsequent payment by bank transfer and/or credit card the value of the ORDER, including the value of the ordered products and the value of their delivery, your ORDER will be accepted for execution and will receive by email our response for its acceptance and confirmation as well as the time for its processing and execution.

It is important to know that the execution times depend on the payment method you choose and the ORDER TIME.

For bank payment the order is processed for up to 1 (one) business day after receipt in our bank account of cash from the payment of the entire value of your order, including the cost of delivery. Orders for which payment is charged as cash on delivery as a form of payment are processed on the day the order was dispatched if it was made before 2pm.

Orders sent after 2pm and those for which the amounts paid are received in our bank account after 3.30pm are processed on the next business day.

  • After processing, the shipment with your order is sent to a courier company for which you receive an email notification containing the date of delivery of your shipment and the number of its bill of lading taken on the forwarder /courier/ used for delivery. With this information, you can track the shipment containing your order and the expected delivery date via the web page or the courier service phone.

Please note that delivery times depend on the area where your delivery address is located and on the delivery schedules of the courier in that area.

  1. In case of any change in the content, value, terms and delivery terms of a given order, the user will be informed by telephone and/or e-mail and the order will not be executed unless the explicit consent that the user agrees to the changes in the terms, the manner and the time of delivery.
  1. Order contract

The contract for the ordering of the requested products between the Customer/the User and the Service Provider is considered to be concluded after acceptance by the e-commerce website www.lilastylehouse.com of the Purchase Application, referred to above as ORDER and completed with the required binding Data from the Customer/User.

The purchase request is accepted after pressing the ORDER button described in 5.1. of these GCs.

It is responsibility of www.lilastylehouse.com to deliver the purchased products to Customer/Buyer upon receipt of the request for purchase and receipt of the amounts due by the Customer for the ORDER and its delivery, including the direct and indirect taxes due. This responsibility on www.lilastylehouse.com is forfeited in the case of incomplete and/or incorrect data provided by the Customer, which impedes the fulfillment of the delivery obligation of the ORDER.

The obligation to deliver the products of the ORDER by www.lilastylehouse.com arises from the date of validation of its bank account with the value of the ORDER, including the cost for its delivery, except in the case of cash payment, when this obligation arises with the conclusion of the Purchase Agreement provided that the purchase request is confirmed by an email reply by the Customer after receiving our e-mail, via the address provided by the Customer, for acceptance and Confirmation of the ORDER described in point 5.1. of these GCs.

  1. Product prices

All prices published on the e-commerce site www.lilastylehouse.com are in the following currencies: Bulgarian lev (BGN) or Euro (EUR), depending on the choice of currency made by the Customer/User and include VAT when this tax is due.

  1. Consent for the processing and use of personal data

The Customer/User gives www.lilastylehouse.com e-commerce site its explicit consent to the processing and use of its personal data necessary for the performance of its obligations under the Contract detailed in point 6 of these GTC.

  1. Registering as our active User or anonymous guest on the site

You have the opportunity to register as a user on our site, indicating the necessary contact information for you and create your profile with us. This can be done while filling out the ORDER data or by clicking on the human image icon in the upper right corner of the site page.

Provided that you wish to remain only a guest on our site, no “user” registration is required to complete your orders, but the absence of such a profile will deprive you of the opportunity to receive promotions, discounts, new collections and models, and quick set-up of ongoing queries from history of previous orders.

When you already have a client profile, your orders will be processed only after entering your username and password. With an existing account, you can change the data from your initial registration, and you should keep in mind that when we fulfil an order we will use your last edit of this data.



As a Client/User, you are entitled to return products from a completed ORDER to the e-commerce site www.lilastylehouse.com. It is also possible to make a replacement as long as we have availability of the product, which you want to exchange.

You do not need to give a specific reason for your decision to return our product, but you can take advantage of this right within 7 (seven) business days reported from the date of receipt of the products from the ORDER.

You need to inform us of your decision via an email sent to style@lilastylehouse.com or by using the INQUIRY form in CONTACTS from the main menu of the website. This form, as well as the CONTACT: address, telephone, email, you can use to get in touch with us about any questions and alerts, including complaints.

Within 2 (two) business days, you will receive by email specific instructions regarding the return, replacement or claim process, and the address where you need to send back our product(s).

Return and/or replacement options are:

  1. Return products from a completed ORDER

You need to return the products to the address we specify by following our instructions in the email sent to you for this purpose. The cost of shipping the products upon your return is at your expense.

Delivery costs are non-refundable and remain at your expense – Customer/User.

Bank and other costs and fees made by www.lilastylehouse.com to receive the payment for your ORDER and to service our back payment for returning the value of the returned products, are deducted from the value of the returned products subject to return by www.lilastylehouse.com.

We will reimburse the returned value for the returned products within 7 (seven) business days reported from the date of their receipt to the address we have specified in our return instructions email.

If you have made a payment for them with cash on delivery, we will refund the value of the returned products by making a bank transfer to a bank account specified by you or a postal order, and we will deduct the cost of making our payment from the amount to be returned.

In the other case – upon your payment made by bank transfer, the bank charges and fees paid by us as a merchant for accepting your payment and for servicing our back payment will be deducted from the value of the returned products.

  1. Return of products upon refusal to accept the ORDER

If you refuse to accept the ORDER products or fail to provide conditions to accept the products of the ORDER you have made on our site, you are obliged to pay the courier service all costs for the delivery and return the shipment back to the address of Sender in case the delivery is done under the conditions of “charge”.

In the other case, if you make a bank transfer, we will refund within 7 (seven) business days of your denial the value of the products in the ORDER, the cost of delivery and return back. The sender’s address, as well as the bank charges and any fees paid by us as a merchant for accepting your payment and for servicing our back payment, will be deducted from the value of the declined products.

Refunds for declined products can be made by bank transfer to a bank account specified by you or a postal order.

If you refuse to pay the cost of delivery and/or non-acceptance of the deductions described above in items 1 and 2, www.lilastylehouse.com shall have the right to take any action permitted by law to collect the relevant amounts due.

  1. Replace products from a completed ORDER

You need to return the products you request to us at the address we have specified by following the instructions given in the email we will send you for this purpose in response to your written notification containing your replacement request sent to style@lilastylehouse.com or using the INQUIRY in CONTACTS form from the main menu of the website.

Replacement can only be made on condition that we have availability of the product you want and the appropriate color, which we have explicitly confirmed in our email mentioned above in this section.

It is also possible to exchange the same or higher value with your other existing product than your original purchase. But if the new product has a higher value than the product already purchased, additional payment must be made.

The costs of returning the products that you have requested to replace and those for the delivery of replacement products are at your own expense. The return delivery cost is covered by the customer. The value of the replacement cost of the replacement product, along with the surcharge amount, if you have chosen a more expensive replacement product, you need to pay in a way you choose as described in the PAYMENT  METHODS of the present GTC.

When replacing a product, the applicable clauses of the ORDERS chapter of the General Terms and Conditions apply to the website www.lilastylehouse.com.

  1. Reclamations of products from a completed ORDER

The subject of a return signal is a product that is found to be inconsistent with the order of the materials or workmanship as well as any other inconsistency of the delivered product with the quality and the characteristics of the order ordered through the Contract for Order and Sale between Customer/User and www.lilastylehouse.com.

In this case, as a Customer/User, you may require us as a merchant to bring the product into compliance with the Purchase and Sale Agreement.

You need to send the alert to address style@lilastylehouse.com by specifying the specific reason for the claim and specifying product identification information – type and number of the item in the online store, size, color or fabric, ORDER number.

You will receive an opinion on your claim at your provided email address within 7 (seven) business days reported from the date of receipt of the advertised product by us. You will receive an email, in response to the claim, within 2 (two) business days after the receipt with instructions for sending the product.

The decision on the merits of the claim is taken by the merchant www.lilastylehouse.com after a careful review of the advertised product.

In case of a reasonable claim, the period for its satisfaction is 30 (thirty) business days, and for this period, at our discretion, we have the right to take one of the following actions:

  • Replace the product with a new one that has the required quality and features to match your Order;
  • Repair and/or remedy the defect, if possible, so that the product acquires the required quality and features that match your Order;
  • Refund the amount paid for the advertised product, including shipping costs, if we do not have stock availability or within 30 (thirty) business days.

In the case of a reasonable claim, the return shipping costs of the advertised product and the replacement of a new or repaired product are at the expense of the merchant www.lilastylehouse.com.

Unwarranted claims include, but are not limited to, cases of improper storage and/or use and/or maintenance of the product, as well as intentional damages and/or attempts for correction and/or repair. Such may be, without the list being full: stretching or tearing off stitches due to a small size; breaking integrity due to cut or tear; changes in pattern or sewing and related corrections; damage associated with non-compliance with cleaning instructions; contamination from different sources except factory defects of the materials from which the products are made.

Refusal to repair a defect and non-acceptance of a claim may also occur in the event of attempts from the Customer/User to repair the product or if a third person has also taken part.

In the case of unreasonable complaints, www.lilastylehouse.com has the right to refuse to replace the advertised product or to refund its price or to remedy the defect, for which you will be informed in writing together with our opinion on the reasons for not accepting your claim.

Necessary conditions for replacement, return or reclamation of products returned to us

  1. The product must be returned in exactly the same condition in which you received it: unworn, unwashed, not modified in any way and with all of its labels and accessories.
  2. Products should not be used except in a single trial.
  3. Products should not have: breaks, widenings or other product integrity violations; scratches and the presence of stains from dirt ot them, except for factory defects – subject to claims.

When sending return products, the Customer/User is required to keep the consignment note/post office receipt until we receive our acknowledgment of receipt of the returned product. In the event that these shipping documents are not retained and the returned product does not arrive at our specified address, www.lilastylehouse.com is not responsible for lost or non-arrived shipments due to the impossibility of being found. The responsibility for these products lies entirely with the Customer/User and their value, including the cost of delivery remains at his/her expense.

In case of product replacements, including complaints, in accordance with Article 59 (1) of the CPA (Consumer Protection Act), where there is no possibility of performing the replacement due to a temporary lack of product, size, color or fabric availability due to a new a batch of production, the Customer/User will be informed by email and, if possible, will be offered alternative items of quality and price corresponding to the missing product to be replaced. Customer/User has the right to refuse such shipments.


  1. Cash on Delivery

This type of payment is only applicable to the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. You pay the courier company employee who delivers the shipment to the ordered products its value with included shipping cost.

      2. Payment by bank transfer

When paying with a payment order, you need to make a bank transfer at our account:

IBAN BG14STSA93001527821715,


For the purpose of identifying and removing the possibility of errors, please refer to the ORDER number of our system in the payment order. This number is visible on the screen after the ORDER is completed and is mentioned in our confirmation email,

When paying with a bank transfer, you will need to pay the entire value of your ORDER, including the costs of shipping it to the address you provide.


By confirming your ORDER, You as a Customer/User agree to pay and the value of the delivery service together with the amount due for the ordered products.

Before finalizing your ORDER, you need to mark that you are familiar with and agree to the Terms of Use of the e-commerce site www.lilastylehouse.com. This also means that you agree to pay the amount due, which includes the value of the ordered products and the value of the courier delivery. Without this consent, it is impossible to finalize ORDER and consequently make a payment.

Accepting the obligation to pay the due amount for the ORDER on your behalf as a Customer/User means that:

  • In the case of cash payments, you are obliged to pay the courier delivering the shipment of the ordered products an amount that includes the value of your ORDER and the value of the service for its delivery, according to the prices and delivery terms specified in the General Terms and Conditions.
  • When paying by bank transfer with a payment order you are obliged to pay by bank transfer the value of the ordered products and the value of the service for their delivery.

Handling of ORDERS is only possible if bank and/or debit card payments include the entire value of the ordered products and the full value of the delivery service. When paying partial amounts, as well as only the value of the ordered products or just the cost of delivery, www.lilastylehouse.com as a trader reserves the right to refuse the execution of the ORDER. In this case, we are obliged to return the amount deposited to the account of the ordering party within 7 (seven) days of its entry into our account by deducting the bank charges and fees incurred upon acceptance of the payment and refunding the partial amount.

Indicating false or incorrect shipping address data and/or telephone number of the contact person and accepting the shipment when delivered by the courier service cancels the responsibility of www.lilastylehouse.com for the execution of the ORDER.

The Customer/User declares that by specifying the delivery address for the shipment containing his ORDER, he agrees to receive it from a third person at the same address. The receipt of the delivery can be done by a third person. A third person is deemed to be the person who does not own the Purchase Order, but accepts the ordered products at the delivery address specified by the Customer/User and identifies himself/herself with his/her three names as a consignee together with the signature of the documents accompanying the shipment. In the case of cash payment, the third person undertakes, together with acceptance of the ordered products, to pay their cost and the cost of their delivery.

  1. Deliveries in Bulgaria

Consignments of ordered products, in which delivery addresses by Customer/User are specified, located in the Republic of Bulgaria, are made with a courier company SPEEDY selected by the merchant www.lilastylehouse.com. It is not possible to deliver to mailboxes specified as delivery address.

All deliveries for Bulgaria are FREE.

The deliveries are normal (economical), which means that the delivery takes two business days. For remote settlements with a service schedule this period is extended until the day of the courier service visit.

No deliveries are made during the weekend and on public holidays.

For remote settlements with service schedules, the maximum delivery time is up to 4 (four) business days reported from the completion of the order processing. The specific delivery time depends on the area where the delivery address specified in the ORDER is located and on the schedules of the courier for deliveries in that area.

After processing, the shipment with the ordered products is sent to a courier company for which the Customer/User receives an email notification containing the date of dispatch of the shipment and the number of its bill of lading taken on the forwarder/courier/ used for delivery; the amount due for payment on delivery of the shipment under the conditions of “cash on delivery”. This information can be traced through the web page or the courier’s phone in real time for the movement of the shipment for the respective order and the expected date for its delivery.

In the event of failure to deliver a consignment due to incorrect or incorrectly submitted address and/or phone number of the recipient submitted by the Customer/User, as well as in the absence of conditions on the part of the Customer/User to accept the shipment containing the ordered product, the order shall be returned to the address of the sender – the merchant www.lilastylehouse.com. In this case, the cost of delivery and return shall be at the expense of the Customer/User and, depending on the method of payment, the following shall apply:

            –   Upon payment of a bank transfer within 7 (seven) business days reported from the date of return of the shipment to the sender’s address www.lilastylehouse.com, the amount paid by the Customer/User is returned to the account of the originator, with deduction of delivery costs in both directions, as well as the bank charges and fees of the merchant for receiving payment for the ORDER and for returning the amount back to the originator.

             –    In case of cash payment, the delivery costs in both directions are due by the Customer/User.

In the event of a failure by the Customer/User to pay for the delivery costs in both directions of an undelivered consignment due to incorrect or incorrectly submitted address and/or telephone number of its recipient, and in the absence of conditions for its acceptance by Customer/User and non-acceptance of the above-mentioned deductions www.lilastylehouse.com has the right to take all legal action to collect the respective amounts due.

  1. Deliveries within the European Union

Consignments of products ordered as deliveries by the Customer/User are listed below as located within Europe are made with a courier company SPEEDY. The delivery times to the destination are also listed below:

Country where the delivery address is located Price for delivery up to 0,5 kg Price for delivery up to 5 kg Price for delivery up to 10 kg Time for delivery

Romania, Greece


4,90 euro


7,90 euro


11,50 euro


3 business days




18,90 euro


19,90 euro


20,50 euro


4 business days


Austria, Hungary



18,90 euro


19,90 euro


24,50 euro


4 business days


Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia,

The Netherlands, Czech Republic



26,90 euro


28,50 euro


31,50 euro


4 business days


Belgium, Denmark, Italy, Luxembourg, France, Croatia


26,90 euro


28,50 euro


31,50 euro


5 business days


Great Britain


26,90 euro


28,50 euro


31,50 euro


6 business days


Latvia, Lithuania


38,50 euro


39,90 euro


43,90 euro


5 business days


Estonia, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Finland, Sweden


38,50 euro


39,90 euro


43,90 euro


6 business days

It is not possible to deliver to mailboxes specified as delivery address.

No deliveries are made during the weekend and on public holidays.

After processing, the shipment of the ordered products is sent to a courier company for which the Customer/User receives an email notification containing the date of delivery of the shipment and the number of its bill of lading made to the forwarder/courier used for the delivery. This information can be traced through the web page or the courier’s phone in real time to the movement of the shipment for the respective order and the expected date for its delivery.

In the event of failure to deliver a consignment due to incorrect or incorrectly submitted address and/or phone number of the recipient submitted by the Customer/User, as well as in the absence of conditions by the Client/User for accepting the shipment containing the products of the ORDER, the shipment will be returned to the address of the sender – merchant www.lilastylehouse.com, and he will return to the Client/User the amount paid for the value of the products. In this case, the cost of delivery and of its return shall be at the expense of the Customer/User. They will deduct from the amount of the ORDER paid by the Customer/User for the ORDER and its delivery upon its return together with the bank charges and fees of the merchant www.lilastylehouse.com made to receive the payment from the Customer/User for the ORDER and to return the balance amount back to the payer’s account. The return of this balance is made within 7 (seven) business days, reported by the return of the shipment to the sender’s address www.lilastylehouse.com by the courier service.

In the event of a failure by the Customer/User to pay the delivery costs in both directions of an undelivered consignment due to incorrect or incorrectly submitted data about address and/or telephone number of its recipient, as well as in the absence of conditions for its acceptance by Customer/User and non-acceptance of the above-mentioned deductions www.lilastylehouse.com has the right to take all legal action to collect the respective amounts due.

  1. Deliveries outside the European Union

Consignments of delivery addresses located outside Europe or in countries not included in the supply list in the European Union under item 2 of the DELIVERES are made by a courier company selected by the merchant www.lilastylehouse.com.

Preliminary information on the possibilities regarding optimizations between the price of the service for the delivery of selected products and the delivery times to the respective destination will be received by the Customer/User via email. It is necessary to select and confirm in writing via www.lilastylehouse.com the acceptable delivery terms and then receive an EMAIL confirmation of its ORDER and its total value, including the delivery price that it is required to pay for bank transfer and/or credit card, as well as the necessary data for making the payment to the account at www.lilastylehouse.com.

After receiving the payment, www.lilastylehouse.com will notify the Customer/User by e-mail about his/her ORDER and its execution by specifying the date of dispatch of the shipment and the bill of lading number of the selected delivery of the courier company as well as the expected delivery time and the possibilities for tracking the movement of the shipment in real time through courier web sites.

It is not possible to deliver to mailboxes specified as delivery address.

No deliveries are made during the weekend and on public holidays.

The Customer/User is responsible for the payment of any customs duties, taxes or other charges on the products received from his ORDER. Such due amounts are not included in the advertised price of the products on the website www.lilastylehouse.com and they are made by the Customer/User and are at his expense.

The site www.lilastylehouse.com, in turn, undertakes to issue the necessary documents, including an original invoice, for the unimpeded clearance of the shipment with the ORDER.

In the event of failure to deliver a consignment due to incorrect or incorrectly submitted address and/or phone number of the recipient submitted by the Client/User, as well as in the absence of conditions by the Client/ User for accepting the shipment containing the products of the ORDER, the shipment will be returned to the address of the sender – the merchant www.lilastylehouse.com, and he will return to the Client/User the amount paid for the value of the products. In this case, the cost of delivery and of its return shall be at the expense of the Customer/User. They will deduct from the amount of the ORDER paid by the Customer/User for the ORDER and its delivery upon its return together with the bank charges and fees of the merchant www.lilastylehouse.com made to receive the payment by the Customer/User for the ORDER and to return the amount back to the payer’s account. The return of this balance shall be made within 7 (seven) business days counted from the return delivery of the shipment to the sender’s address www.lilastylehouse.com by the courier service.

In the event of a failure by the Customer/User to pay the delivery costs in both directions of an undelivered consignment due to incorrect or incorrectly submitted data about address and/or telephone number of its recipient, as well as in the absence of conditions for its acceptance by Customer/User and non-acceptance of the above-mentioned deductions www.lilastylehouse.com has the right to take all legal action to collect the respective amounts due.



Obligations of www.lilastylehouse.com as an e-commerce website:

  1. Transfer to the Customer/User the ownership of the products he/she has ordered for purchase, after making a payment of its value with included delivery costs.
  2. To deliver the ordered products requested for purchase to the Customer/User or a person specified by him/her in accordance with the manner and terms specified in these General Terms and Conditions.
  3. To offer new and unused products, identified with manufacturer’s labels, which contain information about product type, size, composition and maintenance instructions.
  4. To promptly notify its customers of changes in the prices of the products offered and of the prices for making deliveries by publishing them on the site.
  5. To replace at own expense products delivered to the Customer/User that do not match the products of its ORDER in terms of price, type, color or fabric, size, appearance or factory defects.
  6. To accept products returned by Customer for any reason, if he notifies lilastylehouse.com in writing of his decision within 7 (seven) days from the date of delivery.

In this case, www.lilastylehouse.com undertakes to return to the Customer the value paid for the returned products, the cost of delivery and return of which is at the expense of the Customer, as well as the costs paid by www.lilastylehouse.com for receiving and returning payment, if any. Return of the payment takes place within 7 (seven) days reported from receipt of returned products at the return address specified by www.lilastylehouse.com or from Customer’s refusal to accept them upon delivery.

Obligations of Customer / User:

  1. To pay the value of the products of the ORDER through their preferred payment method from the available ones and in accordance with the applicable clauses of these Terms and Conditions.
  2. To pay the cost of shipping the ordered products.
  3. To provide accurate and clear data about the delivery address of the ordered products and valid telephone number and e-mail address.
  4. To provide the opportunity to receive the ordered products.
  5. To receive from the courier the shipment of the ordered products and sign the accompanying documents certifying the receipt of the shipment. The receipt of the delivery can be done by a third person. A third person is deemed to be the person who does not own the Purchase Order, but accepts the ordered products at the delivery address specified by the Customer/User and identifies himself/herself with his/her three names as a consignee together with the signature of the documents accompanying the shipment. In the case of cash payment, the third person undertakes, together with acceptance of the ordered products, to pay their cost and the cost of their delivery.
  6. To pay to lilastylehouse.com the cost of delivery and return of returned products from its ORDER and the costs of receiving and returning the payment for these products, except in the case of legitimate claims, where such costs remain at the merchant’s expense www.lilastylehouse.com.
  7. To pay to lilastylehouse.com the cost of delivery and return of products from its ORDER that refuses to accept upon delivery or cannot provide conditions for acceptance upon delivery and the cost of receiving and returning the payment for these products.
  8. When deciding to return products from its ORDER:
    • Send back to lilastylehouse.com the products he has decided to return, in good commercial appearance and with original labels and packaging.
    • Return the accessories together with the products they are supplied with and included in the price.
    • Do not use the products except for a one-time trial.
    • Do not wash or clean them in any other way, do not iron or repair them.
    • Do not pollute or violate product integrity in any way.
    • Keep the consignment note/post office receipt at the time of returning the returned products to lilastylehouse.com until they receive a confirmation receipt of confirmation for the returned product at the indicated receipt address.

Customer/User Rights:

  1. To refuse to receive the products he has ordered in cases when:
  • The products delivered do not match the products of its ORDER in terms of type, color, size, appearance or factory defects;
  • The price of the product that the Customer/User has to pay does not correspond to its value stated on the site;
  1. Make a reclaim and request replacement of the delivered products in the event of a finding of non-conformity in terms of type, color, size, appearance or factory defects between the ordered products and the delivered ones in cases where the non-compliance could not be established at the time of delivery
  2. Not be satisfied with resolving a reclaim from lilastylehouse.com and ask for cancellation of the sales contract and refund of the amount paid or a reduction in the price of the advertised products.
  3. Claim replacement of products delivered that do not conform to the products of its ORDER in terms of type, color, size, appearance or factory defects.
  4. Refuse alternative products offered by lilastylehouse.com in terms of quality and price in cases of substitution, including satisfaction of complaints, in accordance with Art. 59 (1) of the CPA in case of impossibility to perform the substitution due to the temporary lack of availability of a product of the necessary size, color or type due to the waiting of a new production batch.
  5. To cancel the concluded sales contract within 7 (seven) business days, reported from the date of receipt of the products of the ORDER without due compensation and to return these products, regardless of the reason for their decision. In this case, the Customer/User owes to lilastylehouse.com the costs of delivery and return of the products and the costs of receiving and returning the payment, if any.
  6. The Customer/User is not entitled to claim reimbursement of the amount paid for his ORDER or to reduce its value if lilastylehouse.com agrees to replace the advertised products with new ones or to correct them within 30 (thirty) business days counted from the claim for these products.
  7. The Customer/User is not entitled to request termination of the sales contract if he has registered minor discrepancies between the characteristics of the products of his ORDER and the supplied ones. In this case he has the right to request only a reduction of the price or replacement with corresponding ones at the expense of the merchant lilastylehouse.com, who at his discretion may accept or refuse the claim.

Rights to www.lilastylehouse.com as an e-commerce website:

  1. Receive the value of the products of his ORDER paid by the Client/User.
  2. Receive the value of the service for the delivery of the products from his order paid by the Customer/User.
  3. Refuse delivery of ordered products if the delivery address and/or recipient’s telephone number are incomplete. In this case, the received payment, if any, should be returned to the Customer/User by deducting the bank charges and fees for its receipt and its return to the account of its originator.
  4. Refuse to return or exchange ordered and delivered products in the event of unjustified complaints by Customer/User. All instances of non-conformance are considered to be unfounded claims: product type, color or fabric, size, appearance and/or factory defects. In this case, the products may be returned, but the cost of delivery and of replacement or return shall remain at the expense of the Customer/User.
  5. Consider as unreasonable the refusal to receive the ordered products to the Customer/User in the cases when there are no inconsistencies with regard to: product type, color, size, appearance and/or factory defects. In this case, the products can be returned, but the cost of delivery and return of the ordered products remain at the expense of the Customer/User.
  6. Receive from the Customer/User the cost of the made expenses for delivery and return of products as well as the costs of receiving and returning the payment, except when there are reasonable claims for these products.
  7. Exempt from the obligation to deliver the ordered products in the event that the Customer/User is not found within the term of delivery at the address specified by him/her or does not provide conditions for delivery of the shipment delivered within this period. In this case, the cost of delivering and returning the shipment to the ordered products is at the expense of the Customer/User. Upon expiration of the delivery and return period of this shipment at the request of the Customer/User for its receipt, deliver the ordered products again against the reimbursement of the reimbursement by the Customer/User as a new delivery term in accordance with Terms and Conditions.
  8. Make changes in the prices of the products offered, which take effect from their publication on the site’s website.
  9. To reflect the changes in the prices of the delivery services for the respective ones by the courier companies supplying the ordered products. Changes take effect upon their publication on the site’s webpage.
  10. To offer the Customer/User alternative quality and price products in cases of substitution, including satisfaction of complaints, in accordance with Art. 59 (1) of the CPA in case of impossibility to perform the substitution due to the temporary lack of availability of a product of the necessary size, color or type due to the waiting of a new production batch.


Customer’s personal data that has become known when filling in the ORDER – the purchase request in electronic form, is protected by www.lilastylehouse.com.

The e-commerce site www.lilastylehouse.com may use the personal data of the Customer solely for the fulfillment of its obligations under the contract of sale concluded between the merchant – www.lilastylehouse.com  and the Customer, subject to the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions and the applicable legislation.

Unless the Customer expressly disagrees with an email to  style@lilastylehouse.com,  the e-commerce site www.lilastylehouse.com may use the information provided by the Customer to send promotional offers, send inquiries and greetings, statistical purposes and any other objectives that will be in line with the legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria, EU legislation, ethical and moral rules of society.


The e-commerce site www.lilastylehouse.com undertakes not to disclose any personal data to a third person except in the following cases:

  • With the explicit written consent of the Customer/User;
  • Upon request by public authorities or officials having the authority under current law to require and collect personal data;
  • For obligations on lilastylehouse.com, arising from the applicable laws in the Republic of Bulgaria and the EU.


Upon occurrence of force majeure, www.lilastylehouse.com shall not be held responsible for any failure to perform its obligations under this agreement for the duration of its operation and for the period of recovery of any damages caused by them.


All disputes between the parties to this agreement will be resolved through negotiation and good will in order to achieve understanding. In the event of dissatisfaction with the outcome of any of the parties’ negotiations, any unresolved disputes, including the performance, interpretation, termination and invalidity of this agreement, will be settled by the competent court of registration of the company holding the rights of the e-commerce site www.lilastylehouse.com.

The company holding the rights of the e-commerce website www.lilastylehouse.com is “Merian KT” Ltd., registered with the Registry Agency under UIC 203525973, with headquarters and address of management: Republic of Bulgaria, Plovdiv, Trakia, bl. 36, ent. A, ap. 4.

phone: 00359 888 008 707